Modern slavery statement

The Medical Defence Union Ltd Modern Slavery Act and human trafficking statement

The Modern Slavery Act (2015) (the Act) requires any commercial organisation that supplies goods or services, carries on business in the United Kingdom, and has a total turnover above a specified level, to publish an annual slavery and human trafficking statement.

This statement relates to actions and activities undertaken during the financial year 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our business or in our supply chain.

Organisation's structure

The Medical Defence Union Ltd (MDU) is a not-for-profit mutual company limited by guarantee, based in the UK. Its activities include the discretionary provision, in accordance with its memorandum and articles of association, of indemnity and medico-legal and dento-legal services for its members. The MDU represents members' medico-legal interests by informing and thereby influencing the government and other bodies on matters relating to healthcare law and the regulatory environment with a view to ensuring that any changes in these areas are equitable and fair.

The MDU's operational activities, including membership administration, are undertaken by MDU Services Limited (MDUSL). MDUSL is based in the UK and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for insurance mediation and consumer credit activities only.

MDU Investments Ltd (MDUIL) is based in the UK and manages investments on behalf of the MDU. Funds are invested with third-party investment managers and MDUIL does not undertake any direct investment activity.

MDU Reinsurance Ltd is based in Guernsey and its primary function is to provide access to global reinsurance markets for the business.

GP Update Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of the MDU based in the UK, is one of the UK's leading medical education providers.

Policies in relation to slavery and human trafficking

The MDU has a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chains. It is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all its business dealings and relationships. We have long-established procedures to conduct checks to ensure that staff can legally work in the UK and no-one working for the MDU earns less than the living wage. We also have procedures providing appropriate protection for staff reporting concerns about non-compliance with laws, regulations and codes of practice relevant to our business.

A stand-alone anti-modern slavery and human trafficking policy is reviewed on an annual basis. This is underpinned by procurement and outsourcing policies.

Due diligence process in relation to slavery and human trafficking in the MDU business and supply chains, and steps to manage the modern slavery risk.

Overall, the MDU's risks related to Modern Slavery Act compliance have been assessed as low given the nature of our business and the types of services and supplies we procure.

However, we risk assess new suppliers in relation to slavery and human trafficking based on factors such as the supplier's sector, geographical location, and materiality. We seek to ensure there are appropriate contractual clauses in place with our suppliers that address the risk of modern slavery.


The MDU board is briefed on the requirements of the Act on an annual basis.

To ensure an appropriate level of understanding of the risks, training will continue to be provided to staff as relevant, and on an annual basis.

Further steps

Going forward, we will continue to assess new suppliers for modern slavery and human trafficking risk.

This statement will be reviewed annually.

A link to this statement is published on the MDU's homepage.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Act and constitutes our anti-slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ended 31 December 2023.

Matt Lee

Dr Matthew Lee

Chief executive

April 2024