Start your studies off on the right foot

Join our free student membership and get valuable support throughout your dental studies.

As a DDU member, you'll have access to event sponsorship opportunities, our student hub, DDU journal, and a range of educational resources.

When it's time for your elective, you'll also receive free indemnity. And if you face criticism from patients during clinical training, you can turn to us for dento-legal advice and support.

Plus, as a fresher, you'll get an Oxford Dictionary of Dentistry to help kickstart your studies.

Why you should choose the DDU

What are the benefits?

  • Read dental dilemmas in our student hub and journal, as well as a wealth of guidance on our website and app.

  • Request sponsorship for virtual and face to face events.

  • Access our free e-learning modules on topics including, periodontal disease, SJT preparation for DF1 success, and health and wellbeing.

  • Get advice and support should you face dento-legal issues during your training.

  • Make light work of organising your elective with our elective planning guide and free elective indemnity.

Free dictionary for freshers

Cover of Oxford Dictionary of Dentistry

Free dictionary for freshers

Students studying dentistry and applying for membership as a fresher receive an Oxford Dictionary of Dentistry.

Becoming a member

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Complete your application

Simply fill out our student application form.

Frequently asked questions