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If you're a DDU member, you can email a dento-legal adviser with an enquiry at ddu@theddu.com
Please provide as much information as possible, but don't include any data that might identify a patient.
Patients should only be referred to by their initials, date of birth and gender. Don't include any details of relatives, spouses or partners, which could also identify the patient.
Your enquiry will be referred to a dento-legal adviser and we will respond as soon as possible. After receiving your enquiry, and normally within one working day, we will allocate a dento-legal adviser to your file and let you know the file reference number.
We aim to respond within three to five working days after you receive the file reference number.
We understand the importance of storing your data securely. For more information about how we use your data to provide your membership benefits please see our privacy policy at theddu.com/privacy. To change your communication preferences at any time, log in to My membership.