Working while you train as a dental professional

DDU adviser Jo-Anne Taylor points out some snakes to avoid when working your way up the career ladder.

If you're already a part of a dental team and looking to take on more responsibilities, one option is to qualify for a different role.

However, if you still need to work to support your studies, there are some important things to bear in mind, as we highlight in this fictional scenario.

The scene

A hygienist had nearly finished their BDS course and was working part-time at their old practice during the holidays. One afternoon, a patient attended with pain and swelling in their molar tooth and begged the hygienist to treat them, knowing that they were training to be a dentist. The other dentists were unavailable, and the hygienist was confident they could diagnose and treat the problem.

DDU advice

If the hygienist had gone ahead, they may have addressed the patient's pain but they'd be going beyond the scope of practice for their current role, which meant they risked a GDC fitness to practise investigation and sanctions.

Despite the patient's willingness to go ahead, it wouldn't be possible for the hygienist to get informed consent for an examination and treatment they were not qualified for. If anything went wrong, they wouldn't be indemnified, so the patient might not be fully compensated.

What happened after

After speaking with the DDU, the hygienist explained why patient needed to see a dentist and arranged an emergency appointment later that day. The dentist agreed that the hygienist could observe the procedure if the patient gave their consent.   

Watch Jo-Anne explain how you can avoid problems when combining training with working in your current registered role, as well as:

  • working within your scope of practice
  • having appropriate indemnity in place
  • how the DDU can help navigate dento-legal issues.

This page was correct at publication on 19/09/2024. Any guidance is intended as general guidance for members only. If you are a member and need specific advice relating to your own circumstances, please contact one of our advisers.

Jo-Anne Taylor

by Jo-Anne Taylor Dento-legal adviser

B.Ch.d (Hons) MSc, PG Cert Medical Education, PG. Cert Medical Aesthetics, SFHEA.

Jo qualified from Leeds Dental Institute in 1991 and spent 16 years providing general dental services in the UK and Australia. She has worked in private and NHS practice as well as in the Community Dental Services. Jo is a senior fellow of the Higher Education Academy and has held several teaching posts in Yorkshire and more recently in Hampshire, where among other roles she worked as Associate Head (Education) at the University of Portsmouth Dental Academy. Jo joined the DDU as a telephone adviser in 2020 and began working as a dento-legal adviser in 2021.