
In the summer '24 journal: "How I dealt with a clinical negligence claim"

Stark image of paper cup telephone, cups joined by string
DDU journal, spring 2024

18 March 2024

In the spring '24 journal: ConfiDental, a listening service for colleagues in need

POV shot of microphone in close-up
DDU journal, autumn 2023

1 November 2023

In the autumn '23 journal: Campaigning for a fair deal for dental professionals

Clockwork man wound down
DDU journal, summer 2023

14 June 2023

In the summer '23 DDU journal: fighting fatigue and coping with stress

Silhouette of woman with storm clouds above head
DDU journal, spring 2023

13 February 2023

In the spring '23 DDU journal: Falsely accused - facing a complaint from a colleague

Broken vase with flowers
DDU journal, autumn 2022

28 September 2022

In the autumn '22 DDU journal: what to do when things go wrong.

Silhouette of figure hanging from tightrope
DDU journal, summer 2022

31 May 2022

DDU journal, summer '22 - dental professionals have a duty of care for their own health and wellbeing, just as they do for patients.

Traffic sign signalling delays
DDU journal, spring 2022

18 January 2022

Making sure patients know what to expect can be hugely important in achieving a satisfactory outcome for everyone.

Illustration of hands holding mobile devices
DDU journal, autumn 2021

26 October 2021

In this issue of the DDU journal: test your knowledge of your social media responsibilities and earn CPD

Two cartoon heads on blue background with one head on fire and little figures on the other head extinguishing the fire
DDU journal, summer 2021

13 October 2021

Patient management skills have been under increased pressure during the last year, so here's our refresher on managing difficult patient interactions.