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A dentist faced a seasonal dilemma when a patient wanted their teeth to resemble fangs.
Legislative amendments mean changes to how hygienists and therapists can supply and administer prescription-only medicines.
A DDU member describes facing a claim that went to court – a process that ended up taking several years.
What conversations should the new government have at the forefront of its mind when considering the needs of dental professionals?
CPD for dental professionals can be a thorny subject, and it can be invaluable to have expert advice and support on your side - as this account of a member facing a GDC hearing shows.
The DDU was able to support a member through a case to a successful win at trial in court.
Despite being something most clinicians might take for granted, laterality-based decisions can still cause confusion - as Prof. Gerry Gormley explains.
The new government has a daunting to-do list if it is to turn things around for dental professionals and patients, says DDU head John Makin.
Loneliness and isolation in general practice can be a real issue, especially for newer colleagues - but help is often at hand.
In the summer '24 journal: "How I dealt with a clinical negligence claim"