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A request for a witness to fact report caused some uncertainties for a DDU member, who called the advice line for help.
It's easy to see the appeal of AI-powered record-keeping in a busy practice. But how do you make sure a time-saving tool doesn't become a risky shortcut?
Complaints and claims for clinical negligence can arise years after treatment. Without records, it may be difficult or impossible to defend them successfully.
Data protection law imposes a legal duty on those responsible for personal data to store it securely and protect it from unauthorised or unlawful processing.
A professional witness can be compelled by a court witness summons to give evidence in court.
Dento-legal issues can still raise their heads after you retire, with records being one area that can generate questions for some time after you down tools for...
Patients have a right to access their records under data protection law.
What should you do if a patient wants to record a consultation? And can you do the same?
Expert witnesses help the court with matters that require particular expertise.