Press releases

Cap to control legal costs in clinical negligence claims is important first step - DDU

18 September 2023

The government is capping disproportionate legal costs in lower value clinical negligence cases.

DDU introduces peer support network to aid emotionally drained workforce

10 August 2023

Dental professionals undergoing GDC investigations get emotional support.

Workforce plan must go hand in hand with reforms to regulation and clinical negligence law, says DDU

30 June 2023

Workforce plan only part of solution to staff retention and NHS resourcing.

DDU reminds dental professionals to check and declare CPD as deadline approaches

13 June 2023

We are reminding dental professionals to update their CPD ahead of renewing their registration.

DDU appoints regulatory law specialist to head legal team

10 April 2023

Nick Tennant has been appointed as head of legal services

DDU successfully supports member facing 'blue on blue' complaint

6 March 2023

A dental professional who faced a very stressful complaint, made to NHS England by a colleague, has shared how the Dental Defence Union (DDU) supported her during the subsequent investigation.

DDU disappointed that GDC at back of the queue for regulatory reform

20 February 2023

GDC not one of healthcare regulators prioritised for reform.

Dental professionals turn to coping mechanisms to deal with intense workplace pressures, DDU survey finds

30 January 2023

More than eight in 10 dental professionals say that workplace pressures have increased in the past two to three years.

Delays in GDC cases have a human cost, DDU explains to body overseeing performance

9 August 2022

We urge the GDC to re-double efforts to improve its fitness to practise processes.