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You'll probably be expected to provide a report to your dental school or maybe even to the body that sponsored your trip. A post-travel health check when returning from certain areas may be a good precautionary measure. Be vigilant about any unexplained symptoms for several months afterwards and don't forget to continue your malarial prophylaxis! Finally, let others benefit from your experience by sending a copy of your elective report to: marketing@theddu.com or Marketing team, The DDU, FREEPOST MDU SERVICES LTD.
Some organisations, particularly in developing countries, benefit enormously from the support provided by skilled volunteers. If you have spent your elective in this kind of situation, recording your experience may encourage other dental students to return in the future. If things didn't go well for you on your elective, you may want to warn other students about avoidable pitfalls.
This page was correct at publication on . Any guidance is intended as general guidance for members only. If you are a member and need specific advice relating to your own circumstances, please contact one of our advisers.
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