
man confronted by two colleagues
Raising concerns

20 December 2021

Raising a concern at work can be a difficult area to navigate, so it's important to know how, when and why. Our quick guide answers some common questions.

Elderly man
Incapacity and the law in Scotland

20 December 2021

Guidance on treating adults who have or may have impaired capacity in Scotland.

Files in cabinet
Releasing confidential information

17 December 2021

Before releasing information about a patient to a third party, you must get the patient's permission - except in exceptional circumstances.

Dentist working at computer
Using templates and autonotes in electronic records

15 December 2021

Automatic templates, or autonotes, can save time when making patient records - but can lead to errors if not used carefully.

Old white picket fence with peeling paint
Tooth whitening

15 December 2021

Your need-to-know guide on the dento-legal aspects of tooth whitening.

Image of patient records in drawer
Disclosing records to third parties

10 December 2021

If third parties request confidential patient information, or you want to share it with them, here's what you need to know first.

Confidentiality: your obligations

19 November 2021

As a dental professional you have a professional, legal and contractual responsibility to protect patients' confidentiality.

Remote consultation
Receiving and storing video footage from online consultations

12 November 2021

Video conferencing and patient images can be helpful in remote consultations, but be aware of the dento-legal issues around receiving and storing them.

Two colleagues talking
Communicating with colleagues

5 November 2021

Good interpersonal skills have never been more important for dental professionals.

Periodontal examination
Prioritising periodontal checks

15 October 2021

Periodontal disease is widespread and as much a threat to patients' oral health as tooth decay.