
Image of a complaint form
Reasons for patient complaints

19 April 2022

Most dental professionals will receive a complaint from a patient at some time in their career, so understanding why they occur is vital.

police officers
Reporting criminal convictions and cautions

6 April 2022

What you need to know about your duty to declare any cautions or convictions as a dental professional.

Dentists working together.
Clinical audit, peer review and CPD

6 April 2022

Clinical audits and peer reviews are central to effective quality assurance. They help make sure best practice is being followed, and highlight any improvements in providing care.

Man complaining to dentist
The NHS complaints procedure: local resolution

6 April 2022

Wherever possible, it's best to try and resolve complaints at the local level. Here's what you need to know.

Dentist attending a patient
Listening to patients and staff, and dealing with feedback

5 April 2022

Patients and other members of the dental team can be a good source of feedback on the quality of dental care and treatment provided by the practice.

Man complaining to doctor
Introduction to the NHS complaints procedure in Northern Ireland

16 March 2022

Covering the basics of the Northern Irish NHS and social care complaints procedure.

Welsh flags
Introduction to the NHS complaints procedure in Wales

16 March 2022

Covering the basics of the Welsh NHS and social care complaints procedure.

Documents being examined
How to write a witness to fact report

15 March 2022

A witness to fact report is more complex than a clinical report, but writing it correctly may minimise any requests for you to clarify the details.

Adult and child
Dental consent and young patients

8 March 2022

There are specific principles and procedures surrounding young patients' consent to dental treatment.

Complaints in the private sector

4 March 2022

Complaints arising from independent practice are handled similarly to those in the NHS, but there are some distinctions.