
Two cartoon heads on blue background with one head on fire and little figures on the other head extinguishing the fire
DDU journal, summer 2021

13 October 2021

Patient management skills have been under increased pressure during the last year, so here's our refresher on managing difficult patient interactions.

Illustration of figure looking at horizon, blue filter
DDU journal, spring 2021

27 January 2021

Four DDU members from different backgrounds reflect on how 2020 changed the way they work.

Woman walking along winding road
DDU journal, autumn 2020

3 September 2020

DDU member Ann Varghese reflects on her experience as a student and how it feels to begin her career at such an uncertain moment for the profession.

Person on beach looking out at stormy sea
DDU journal, spring 2020

7 August 2020

One DDU member talks us through the shock and stress of receiving their first complaint, as well as how we were able to support them through it.

Signing a contract
DDU journal autumn 2019

9 December 2019

Associate contracts can vary hugely in their quality and content, so it's important for all parties to understand the principles involved.

Close up of broken china on floor
DDU journal summer 2019

17 July 2019

With so much at stake for everyone involved, it's important for dental professionals to understand their individual responsibilities in the wake of an adverse incident.

Pile of paper records
DDU journal spring 2019

30 April 2019

They are the basis for effective patient care and have an important dento-legal purpose - but what makes good dental records?

Hand ringing hotel bell for attention
DDU journal winter 2018

12 December 2018

Is your complaints procedure up to task? We examine why they are so important and explain what needs to be included for them to be effective.

Thumbs up and down logos
DDU journal summer 2018

30 August 2018

Complaints are common, and it's vital to know how to handle them professionally and appropriately.

Elderly patient behind rain-spattered window
DDU journal spring 2018

8 May 2018

The dental health of people with dementia can become secondary to other considerations. But the dental team can make a vital contribution to patients' quality of life.