
Rating system of smiley faces
DDU journal winter 2017

22 January 2018

Patients are more likely than ever to turn to social media to voice concerns about their treatment.

Tiny plant in desert
DDU journal autumn 2017

2 October 2017

Dental professionals' responsibilities to their patients can extend beyond simply providing treatment.

Talking heads
DDU journal summer 2017

29 June 2017

Discussing the rewards and risks of limited treatment orthodontics and the danger of promising 'perfect teeth'.

Penguin and egg
DDU journal spring 2017

2 March 2017

Deciding when and how to apply the best interest principle to the care of a patient isn't always straightforward.

DDU journal October 2016

10 October 2016

Dento-legal adviser, Alison Large, explains why clear communication between dental professionals and patients is vital to the consent process.

DDU journal issue 4
DDU journal June 2016

14 June 2016

How would you feel if a patient asked to record their consultation? Leo Briggs explains why you shouldn't jump to conclusions.

DDU journal January 2016

25 January 2016

In his final editorial, former head of the DDU, Rupert Hoppenbrouwers is optimistic about a future built on a productive past.

DDU journal issue 2
DDU journal September 2015

22 September 2015

A recent Supreme Court judgment has effectively introduced the principle of 'informed consent' to the law of negligence. Rupert Hoppenbrouwers assesses the implications for dental professionals.

DDU journal issue 1
DDU journal June 2015

4 June 2015

Claims involving implant treatment have risen by 41% in five years. What are the main causes?